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Jeanie Stidham
Assistant Vice President & Private Banking Mortgage Officer


Jeanie specializes in mortgage lending for the southern Idaho region. Her focus is on Washington Trust Bank's private banking, trust and wealth management clients throughout Boise and the Treasure Valley. Jeanie works closely with clients to provide a high level of service throughout the homebuying process. She teams with a home loan support staff dedicated to servicing mortgage loans.


Areas of Expertise

  • Investment and Second Homes
  • Jumbo Home Loans
  • Primary Residence Loans
  • Primary Residence Refinances
  • Professional Loan Program
  • Specialized Loans for Self-Employed Borrowers

Community Involvement

  • Eagle Chamber of Commerce - Board of Directors/Volunteer

Rates and fees subject to change. Entire contents: Copyright 2018 Washington Trust Bank 717 W. Sprague Avenue, Spokane WA 99201. An Equal Opporunity Employer. Routing Number: 125100089
Washington Trust Bank | Spokane, WA | Seattle, WA | Boise, ID | Coeur d'Alene, ID | Portland, OR

Member Equal Housing Lender Member SBA Member FDIC