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Jeff Berglund
Vice President & Senior Mortgage Loan Officer


Jeff Berglund is a vice president and senior mortgage loan officer with over 26 years of experience in the mortgage industry. Jeff enjoys working closely with his clients to ensure they receive the care and service necessary to meet their needs. He takes pride in providing prompt and exceptional communication to his clients throughout the entire homebuying process to ensure they feel supported.

Jeff attended Eastern Washington University, where he earned a bachelor’s degree in marketing.


Areas of Expertise

  • Conforming
  • Construction Lending
  • Jumbo Loans
  • Physician Loan Programs
  • VA Loans
  • WSHFC Loans

Rates and fees subject to change. Entire contents: Copyright 2018 Washington Trust Bank 717 W. Sprague Avenue, Spokane WA 99201. An Equal Opporunity Employer. Routing Number: 125100089
Washington Trust Bank | Spokane, WA | Seattle, WA | Boise, ID | Coeur d'Alene, ID | Portland, OR

Member Equal Housing Lender Member SBA Member FDIC