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Kim Meredith
Assistant Vice President & Mortgage Loan Officer


Kim began working with Washington Trust Bank as a Financial Service Representative before transitioning into her role as a Loan Officer at the Home Loan Division. She believes in taking time to understand every borrower's needs and goals in order to help them find the best option for their refinance or purchase. Kim works with first-time home buyers, families that are moving into a new home and individuals that wish to purchase a second home or investment property. Her goal is to help each client achieve their dream and have peace of mind during the loan process.


Areas of Expertise

  • First-Time Homebuyers
  • Government Loans
  • Jumbo Loans
  • Self-Employed Borrowers

Rates and fees subject to change. Entire contents: Copyright 2018 Washington Trust Bank 717 W. Sprague Avenue, Spokane WA 99201. An Equal Opporunity Employer. Routing Number: 125100089
Washington Trust Bank | Spokane, WA | Seattle, WA | Boise, ID | Coeur d'Alene, ID | Portland, OR

Member Equal Housing Lender Member SBA Member FDIC