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Michelle Joslin
Mortgage Loan Officer


With over a decade in the mortgage industry, Michelle has the industry knowledge, attention to detail, and compassion to help her clients successfully navigate the home financing process. At her core, Michelle wants everyone she helps to feel informed and empowered at every turn with clear and approachable communication. In addition to helping clients finance homes Michelle enjoys reading non-fiction, gardening, and spending time with her family, often at a hockey rink.


Areas of Expertise

  • High net worth
  • Medical and dental
  • Residential real estate

Rates and fees subject to change. Entire contents: Copyright 2018 Washington Trust Bank 717 W. Sprague Avenue, Spokane WA 99201. An Equal Opporunity Employer. Routing Number: 125100089
Washington Trust Bank | Spokane, WA | Seattle, WA | Boise, ID | Coeur d'Alene, ID | Portland, OR

Member Equal Housing Lender Member SBA Member FDIC